Professional Summary:
Physician currently serving as President of the Board of Directors at Rehabilitation and Electrodiagnostics, P.A as well as the Medical Director of Rehabilitation Center at Tampa General Hospital with an active clinical practice. He is also a Program Surveyor for the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities for over 18 years. Non clinical practice focus is providing assistance, consultations and advising as an expert on medico-legal issues. Medical interests include traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injury, burn injury, amputations and multiple catastrophic injuries. Practice Highlights for 2015 include:
- Direct Patient Care: 88%
- Medico Legal: 12%
Medical School:
University of the Philippines, Manila, Philippines, May 1977
University of the Philippines- Philippine General Hospital, Manila, Philippines, May 1977-April 1978
Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas, Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, July 1980 – June 1983
- Chief Resident, 1982-1983
Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG), 1978.
Board Certifications:
American Board of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 1984
American Board of Pain Medicine, 1994
Professional Background:
1983 – Present: Rehabilitation and Electrodiagnostics, PA (a group practice). Currently serves on the board of directors of this multi-physician practice with three locations in Tampa, Florida.
Academic Appointments:
Tampa General Hospital International Physician Program
- Preceptor to physicians from Venezuela, Colombia, Japan, Mexico, Canada, China, South Korea
Baylor College of Medicine:
- Instructor (as Chief Resident), Department of Physical Medicine, 1982-1983
Volunteer Clinical Faculty, Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, University of South Florida College of Medicine, 2011- present
Other Appointments:
Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF), Program Surveyor, 1997- present.
State of Florida, Brain and Spinal Cord Injury Program, Program Surveyor, 1999 – present.
Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Neurology, Section of PMR, University of South Florida, Morsani College of Medicine, 2011- present
Hospital Affiliations:
1983 – present: Tampa General Hospital, Tampa, Florida
- 1993-present, Medical Director, Rehabilitation Center
- 1993-1996; 1998-present, Chief, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Services
- 1989-1993, Vice-Chief, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Services
- 1993-1996; 1998-present, Member, Medical Executive Committee
- 1989-1993, Member, Utilization Review Committee
- 1993- 2015- Program Director, Spinal Cord Injury Rehab
- 1998-present, Chair CPIT (Clinical Practice Improvement Team)-Rehab
- 2009-2011 Member, By Laws Committee
1994 present: St Joseph’s Hospital, Tampa, Florida
1985 present: Brandon Regional Hospital, Brandon, Florida
- 1989-1993, Member, Rehabilitation Committee
1986 – present: University Community Hospital/Florida Hospital, Tampa, Florida
1983 – present: Memorial Hospital, Tampa, Florida
1989 – present: Kindred Hospital, Tampa, FL
1983 – 1992: Town & Country Hospital, Tampa, FL
1987 -1992: East Pasco Medical Center, Zephyrhills, FL
1987 – 1992 Humana Hospital, Dade City, FL
1997 – 2002 Hawthorne Care Center, Brandon, FL
1983 – 1987 Centro Espanol Hospital, Tampa, FL
Awards And Honors:
June 1973: Entrance Scholar, University of the Philippines, College of Medicine.
May 1973: Cum Laude, Bachelor of Science in Preparatory Medicine, University of the East-Manila, Philippines.
June 1983: Oliver Smith Memorial Award for Excellence in Resident Grand Rounds Presentation, Baylor College of Medicine.1998: Outstanding Physician of the Year Award, Hawthorne Care Center, Tampa, FL.
1983 – 2004: Physician’s Recognition Award, American Medical Association.
January 2001: Best Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Specialist, Greater Tampa Bay, Florida Magazine.
March 2001 Medical Director at Tampa General Hospital’s Rehabilitation Center when that facility was named “Best Rehabilitation Center”, Greater Tampa Bay, Florida Business Journal.
December 2002: Outstanding Educator-Overseas, University of the Philippines Medical Alumni Society in America, 2002.
September, 2011: Outstanding Alumnus in Health Care Administration in USA, University of the Philippines Alumni Association in America,
Hyatt Hotel, Jacksonville, Florida
Professional Affiliations:
- American Medical Association, 1983 – 2009
- Florida Medical Association, 1983 – present
- Hillsborough County Medical Association, 1983 – present
- American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (Fellow), 1982 – present
- American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine(Fellow), 1983-2000
- Florida Society of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 1984 – present
- Member at Large, 2000 – 2002
- Secretary, 2002 – 2005
- Vice President, 2005 – 2006
- President, 2006-2008
- Southern Society of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 1988-2001
- American Academy of Pain Medicine 1992- present
American Academy of Neuromuscular & Electrodiagnostic Medicine (Associate), 1984 – present
- American Academy of Neuromuscular Thermography, 1989 – present
- American Spinal Injury Association (ASIA), 1996 – present
- International Rehabilitation Medicine Association, 1982 – present
- Physiatric Association of Spine, Sports and Occupational Rehabilitaton (PASSOR), 1995 – 2002
- Philippine Association of Physiatrists in America, 1985 – present
- Association of Philippine Physicians in America (AAPA), 1989 – present
- Philippine Medical Society of Florida, Gulf Coast Chapter, 1990 – present
- University of the Philippines Medical Alumni Society in America, Southeast Chapter, 1997 – present
- President 2005-2007
- CME Chair 2008-2011
- American Medical Directors, Long Term Care Facilities, 1997 – 2001
Fluent in English, Tagalog
Grand Rounds Presentation on Birth Related Brachial Plexus Injury, Baylor College of Medicine, 1980.
Grand Rounds Presentation on Heterotopic Ossification, Veterans Administration Medical Center, Houston, Texas, 1981.
Journal Club Presentation on Thoracic Outlet Syndrome, Baylor College of Medicine, 1981.
Grand Rounds Presentation on Sports Medicine, Physiatrist Role, The Institute for Rehabilitation and Research, Houston, Texas, 1982.
Comprehensive Review and Retrospective Study of Birth Related Brachial Plexus Palsy, presented at International Rehabilitation Medicine Association Scientific Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico, April 17 -24, 1982.
Comprehensive Review and Retrospective Study of Birth Related Brachial Plexus Palsy, presented Texas PM&R Society Annual Meeting, Corpus Christi, Texas October 30, 1982.
Comprehensive Review and Retrospective Study of Birth Related Brachial Plexus Palsy, presented at Pediatric Interest Group Meeting, ACRM and AAPMR at the Institute for Rehabilitation and Research, Houston, Texas, April 17 -24, 1982.
Comprehensive Review and Retrospective Study of Birth related Brachial Plexus Palsy, presented at Pediatric Interest Group Meeting, ACRM and AAPMR at the Institute for Rehabilitation and Research, Houston, Texas, October 30, 1982
Grand Round Presentation on Early Physiatric Treatment for Burns, The Methodist Hospital, Houston, Texas, 1983
Lecturer: Spinal Cord Injury, Seminar Tampa General Rehabilitation Center, May 1988
Lecturer: Pediatric Rehabilitation, Current Concepts in Pediatrics, Department of Pediatrics, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL February 1989
Lecturer: Heterotopic Ossification in Spinal Cord Injury, Tampa General Hospital, Spine Conference, June, 1989
Lecturer: Stroke Seminar on Shoulder-Hand Syndrome, Tampa General Hospital and Veterans Administration medical enter, Tampa, FL , March 1990
Speaker: Advances in ELectrodiagnosis, Fourth Annual Convention of the Philippine Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine, Manila, Philippines, January 16-20, 1993
Preceptor: “Whitecoat Mini-Internship Program for Tampa General Hospital Senior Management Officers and City of Tampa’s V.I.P.’s February/April 2000
Lecturer: Pediatric Rehabilitation, Tampa General Hospital, Pediatric Nurses, May 4, 2000
Speaker: Spinal Cord Injury Seminar Tampa General Rehabilitation Center, Tampa, FL June 10, 2000
In-service on Spinal Cord Injury topic for TGH Rehab. Spinal Cord Injury Team, October 2000
Coordinator/Moderator: University of South Florida/Philippine Medical Society, West Coast Chapter Symposium on Recent Advances in Medicine, Hyatt Regency,, Tampa, June 2000
Coordinator/Moderator: Botulinum Toxin for Management of Spasticity and Pain, USF/Allergan Pharmaceutical Company Sponsorship for the Greater Tampa Physiatrists, Sept, 8-9, 2000
Coordinator/Moderator: Workshop on BOTOX for Spasticity and Pain Tampa General Rehab, Center, March 9, 2001: Hyatt Regency Hotel, March 10, 2001
Coordinator/Moderator: Philippine Medical Society, West I, Tampa FL. May 2001 Coast Chapter, Annual Medical Conference, Marriott Hotel
Speaker: Spinal Cord Injury-Long Term Medical Complications, Tampa General Rehab Center, April 25, 2002
Speaker: Stroke: Prevention, Intervention and Rehabilitation, Tampa General Rehab Center, May 30, 2002
Speaker: Stroke Rehabilitation, Hawthorne Care Center, Brandon, FL Aug. 29, 2002
CME Director: UPMASA-SE Chapter Second Annual Conference and Reunion, Don Cesar Beach Resort, St. Petersburg, FL Aug. 31-Sept 1, 2002
Speaker: Spasticity Management and Botulinum Toxin Injection Workshop, Philippine General Hospital Dept. Of Rehabilitation Medicine, Manila Philippine, December. 2002
Speaker: Brain Attack! A program on Prevention and Cutting Edge Treatment of Strokes, Tampa General Hospital, May 14, 2003
Speaker: Stroke Rehab. For Community Physicians, Tampa General Hospital, May 22, 2003
CME: Coordinator, “Common Clinical Problems from the Specialist Perspective”, Annual Philippine Medical Society of Florida Convention, Wyndham Hotel, Tampa, FL October 11, 2003
Speaker: Office Management of Low Back pain, Annual MS of Florida Convention, Wyndham, Hotel, Tampa, FL October 11, 2003
Speaker: Botulinum Toxins in the Management of Myofascial Pain Florida Society of PMR meeting Orlando World Marriott, Orlando, Florida, August 18, 2003
CME Coordinator: Medical Update 2004, University of the Philippines Medical Alumni Society in America, BOG Meeting April 2-3, 2004, Marriott Hotel, Tampa, FL
CME Coordinator, “Life Begins at 40”, Medical Issues from here and beyond, Annual Philippine Medical Society of Florida Convention, Hyatt Regency, Tampa, May 15, 2004
Speaker: Myofascial Pain Syndrome Headache and Pain Fall Symposium Department of Neurology, University of South Florida, Wyndham Harbour Island Hotel, Tampa, FL, November 5-6, 2004
Convention Chair: University of the Philippines Medical Alumni Society in America (UPMASA) Annual Convention, Loew’s Miami Beach Hotel, Miami Beach, FL, June 29 – July 3, 2005.
Speaker: “Myofascial Pain Syndrome and Fibromyalgia”, UPMASA Annual Convention, Post-convention symposium, Carnival Cruise, July 6, 2005
Speaker: “Rehabilitation Approach to Patients with Chronic Pain”, USF Second Annual Headache/Pain Symposium, Hyatt Regency Hotel, Tampa, FL, November 19, 2005.
Speaker: “Fibromyalgia”, Tampa General Hospital Community Education Program, Tampa, FL , February 2, 2006.
Speaker: “Stroke Rehabilitation”, Tampa General Hospital, Tampa, FL, May 8, 2006.
Speaker: “Spasticity: Evaluation and Treatment”, Tampa General Hospital, Tampa, FL, July 22, 2006.
Speaker: “Low Back Pain, Evaluation and Treatment”, Liberty Mutual Insurance Group, Tampa, FL, May 8, 2006.
CME Coordinator: Advances in Medicine for Generalists and Specialists, UPMASA and Philippine Medical Society of Florida, Bayanihan Center, Tampa, FL, October 28, 2006.
CME Coordinator: Update in Medicine- AIDS/HIV. Domestic Violence, Prevention of Medical Errors, Bayanihan Arts and Events Center, Tampa, FL, Dec. 16, 2006.
Speaker: “Stroke Rehabilitation, recent advances”, Stroke Support Group, Tampa General Hospital, May 14, 2007.
Speaker: “Evaluation and Treatment of Spasticity”, Spinal Cord Injury Support Group, Tampa General Hospital, September 13, 2007
CME Co-Chair: “Advances in Neuromuscular Thermography”, USF-American Academy of Thermography, Embassy Suites, Tampa, Florida,
Speaker: “The tender points of Fibromyalgia”, Tampa General Hospital Community Lecture Series, Sun City Center, Florida, March 12, 2008
Speaker: “Common Conditions Affecting Stroke Outcomes”, Tampa General Hospital Stroke Awareness Seminar, May, 12, 2008
Speaker: “Fibromyalgia, Evaluation and Management”, Philippine Medical Society Annual CME, Hyatt Regency, Tampa, Florida, June 7, 2008
Speaker: Allergan Promotional Dinner-CME: Upper Limb Spasticity, Roys
Restaurant, Tampa, Florida, June 23, 2010
Speaker: Rehab Management of Spinal Cord Injuries and Traumatic Brain
Injuries University of the Philippines Medical Alumni Society in America Annual Grand Convention, Seattle, Washington and Alaskan Cruise, CME, July 4-10, 2010
Presenter: International Management of Catastrophic Injuries, Florida
Worker’s Compensation Institute Annual Convention, Orlando, Florida, Aug. 17, 2010
Speaker: Allergan Promotional Dinner-CME: Botox-A in the treatment of
Upper Limb Spasticity, Cantina Laredo, Tampa, Florida, October 28, 2010
Speaker: Spinal Cord Injury Support Group, Aging in Spinal Cord Injuries,
Tampa General Hospital, October 12, 2011
Speaker: Allergan Regional Injectors Engagement Training Program: Upper
Limb Spasticity, Diagnosis and Management, Intercontinental Hotel,
Tampa, Florida, Dec 2, 2010
Speaker: Allergan Promotional Dinner-CME : Botox-A in the Treatment of
Upper Limb Spasticity, Brio’s Restaurant, Tampa, Florida, Nov. 13,
2011 (USF PMR residents)
Speaker: Allergan Promotional Dinner-CME : Botox-A in the Treatment of
Upper Limb Spasticity- Live Training (Physicians), City Grille Clermont,
Florida, July 25, 2012
Speaker: Allergan Promotional Dinner-CME : Botox-A in the Treatment of
Upper Limb Spasticity- Live Training ( Physicians and Residents)
Capital Grille Restaurant, Tampa, Florida, August 14, 2012
Speaker: Allergan Promotional Dinner-CME : Botox-A in the Treatment of
Upper Limb Spasticity-(Bay Area rehab Nurses), CDB Restaurant,
Tampa, Florida, September 11, 2012
Speaker: Allergan Promotional Dinner-CME: Botox-A Take ACTION, All
Coordinating Together in Offering Necessary Treatment for Upper
Limb Spasticity Patients, Grill Smiths Rest., Clearwater, Florida,
May 29, 2013
Speaker: Management of Spasticity with Botulinum Toxin A, First Hospital of
Lanzhou University, Gansu Province, China, August 11, 2013
Speaker: Allergan Promotional Lecture-CME: Botox- A Take ACTION, All
Coordinating Together in Offering Necessary Treatment for Upper
Limb Spasticity Patients, West Coast Brace and Limb Facility,
Tampa, Florida, August 6, 2014
Speaker: Pfizer Promotional Lecture-CME: Lyrica (Pre-Gabalin) in the
Management of Neuropathic Pain Following Spinal Cord Injury,
Ruth Chris Restaurant, Tampa, Florida, September 18, 2014
Speaker: Allergan Promotional Lecture-CME: Botox Live Action workshop,
Injection Techniques and Demonstration, Tampa, Florida, November 20, 2014
CME Chair, Magical Moments in Medicine, University of the Philippines
Medical Alumni Society in America, Annual Grand Convention, Orlando, Florida, July, 2015.
Speaker: Interdisciplinary Pain Rehabilitation Program at The First
Rehabilitation Pain Forum in Western China, Gansu Province, First Hospital of Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, China, September 26-27, 2015.
Teaching Experience:
Instructor, as Chief Resident at Baylor College of Medicine, Department of Physical Medicine, 1982-1983
Clinical Instructor for University of South Florida, Senior Neurology Residents for EMG elective Rotation, 1989-1992
Preceptor, Tampa General Hospital International Physicians Program, provided preceptor ship to Doctors from Venezuela, Columbia, Japan, Italy, and Canada at the Rehab. Center
Preceptor: Elective Rotation in Rehab Medicine Tampa General Rehab, Center (Medical Students from University of Miami, New Jersey School of Osteopathic Medicine, University of South Florida)
Volunteer Clinical Faculty: Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation University of South Florida College of Medicine 2011- present
Facilities Surveyed for Commission on accreditation of Rehab. Facilities:
Accreditation Surveyor (CARF):
- Mercy Rehabilitation Center, Hamilton Ohio, Comprehensive Integrated Inpatient Rehabilitation Program, January 26-27, 1998
- Community Memorial Hospital, Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin
- Comprehensive Integrated Inpatient Rehabilitation Program Interdisciplinary Pain Rehab. April 2-3, 1998
- Comanche County Memorial Hospital Lawton, Oklahoma, Comprehensive Integrated Inpatient Rehabilitation Program, July 20-21, 1998
- New England HealthSouth Rehabilitation Hospital, Woburn, Massachusetts Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation System of Care, Comprehensive Integrated Inpatient Rehabilitation Program, April 15-16, 1999
- Pain Limited, Bellingham, Washington Interdisciplinary Pain Rehabilitation Program, Mary 20-21, 1999
- The Rehabilitation Center of Virginia Baptist Hospital, Lynchburg, VA
- Comprehensive Integrated Inpatient Rehab., September 23-24, 2000
- John’s Regional Medical Center, Joplin, Missouri Comprehensive Integrated Inpatient Rehabilitation Program, April 6-7, 2000
- Touro Rehabilitation Center, New Orleans, Louisiana, Interdisciplinary Pain Rehabilitation Program, May 11-12, 2000
- Gulfcoast Orthopedics and Spine Assoc. Houston, Texas Interdisciplinary Pain Rehabilitation Program, January 21-February 2, 2001
- Gunderson Rehabilitation Center at Hazleton General Hospital Hazleton, Pennsylvania, Comprehensive integrated Inpatient Rehabilitation Program July 18-19, 2001
- Laurel Regional Hospital Rehabilitation Center, Laurel, Maryland Comprehensive Integrated Inpatient Rehabilitation Program, October 2001
- Veterans Administration Medical Center at South Texas Medical Center, San Antonio, Texas, Spinal Cord Injury Program System of Care, September 16-17, 2002
- Brooks Rehabilitation Hospital, Jacksonville, Florida, Spinal Cord System of Care, December 5-6, 200
- Hebrew Rehabilitation Center for the Aged, Comprehensive In-patient Rehab. Program, Boston January 15-16, 2004
- John’s Mercy Rehab. Center , St. Louis, Missouri, Spinal Cord System of Care, May 17-18, 2004
- Clare’s Hospital Rehab Unit, Alton, Illinois, Comprehensive In Patient Rehab, Program, November 18-19-2004
- Allied Rehabilitation Services, Spinal Cord Systems of Care, Scranton, PA, October 24 – 25, 2005.
- Louis Children’s Hospital, Pediatric Family Centered Rehabilitation Program, St. Louis, MO., March 13 – 14, 2006.
- Delray Beach Hospital Rehabilitation Center, Delray Beach, FL, Spinal Cord Injury System of Care, November 30-December 1, 2006
- Lakewood Hospital Rehab Unit, Comprehensive Inpatient Rehab Program,
Cleveland, Ohio, June 21-22, 2007
- Pain Rehabilitation Program, Houston, Texas, January 8-9, 2008
- Metro Health Rehab Institute of Ohio, Spinal Cord System of Care, Cleveland, Ohio, February 19-20, 2009
- NISAL Corporation/Qualcare Medical and Rehab Center, Interdisciplinary Pain Rehab Program, Houston, Texas, April 16-17, 2009
- Highlands Regional Rehab Hospital, Comprehensive Inpatient Rehab Program, El Paso, Texas, September 16-17, 2010
- Carolinas Rehabilitation Center, Comprehensive Integrated In patient Rehab Program, Charlotte, NC, Feb. 17-18, 2011
- Lee Memorial Rehabilitation Hospital, Comprehensive Integrated In patient Rehab Program, Fort Myers, Florida, April 26-27, 2012
- Santa Clara Valley Medical Center Rehabilitation Unit, Spinal Cord System of Care, San Jose, California, August 16-17, 2012
- The Children’s Center, Pediatric Medical Rehab Unit, Bethany Oklahoma, Pediatric Family Centered Rehab Program, October 25-26, 2012
- Caribbean Veterans Hospital, San Juan, Puerto Rico, Spinal Cord System of Care, September 18-18, 2013
- Veterans Hospital, Bronx, New York, Spinal Cord System of Care, Nov. 4-5, 2013
- Susan Smith-McKinney Rehabilitation and Nursing Center, Brooklyn, NY; Comprehensive Integrated In-Patient Rehabilitation Program, September 4-5, 2014
- Mays and Schnapp Pain Clinic and Rehabilitation Center, Memphis, Tennessee; Interdisciplinary Pain Rehab Program, Feb. 9-10, 2015
- Helen Hayes Rehabilitation Hospital, West Haverstraw, New York, Spinal Cord System of Care, October 30-31, 2015
Las Palmas Rehabilitation Hospital, El Paso, Texas; Comprehensive Integrated In-Patient Rehabilitation Program, December 3-4, 2015
Facilities Surveyed for State of Florida:
- Health South Rehabilitation Hospital Miami, Florida, Brain and Spinal Cord injury Program, October 20, 1999
- Biscayne Rehabilitation for Health and Living, Miami Beach, Florida, Outpatient Brain Injury Program and Outpatient Pediatric Family Centered Rehabilitation Program April 14, 2003
Medical Symposia and C.M.E. Attended:
- 15th comprehensive Review Course in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation , Baylor College of Medicine, Houston – 1981
- 16th Comprehensive Review Course in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston – 1982
- Texas Physical Medicine and Rehab. Society Conference, South Padre Island, Texas – 1982
- Upper Extremity Prosthetics Conference Baylor College of Medicine, Houston – 1982
- 10th Neuromuscular Disease Symposium Baylor College of Medicine, Houston – 1982
- New York University of Prosthetics Course New York City – 1982
- Annual Assembly of AAPM&R, Houston – 1982
- 17th Comprehensive Review Course in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Baylor College of Medicine, Houston – 1983
- Basic EMG Course, Physical Medicine Department, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston – 1983
- American Association of Electromyography and Electrodiagosis and Evoked Potentials, Toronto, Canada – 1983
- Thermography Course, Jacksonville, FL – 1984
- Thermography Course by Dr. Wexler, New York City – 1984
- American Assoc. of Electromyography and Electrodiagnosis, Kansas City, Missouri – 1984
- 18th Comprehensive Review Course in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Baylor College of Medicine, Houston – 1984
- Thermography Course and Conference, Washington, C. – 1985
- American Academy of Neuromuscular Thermograhy, Orlando, FL – 1986
- Florida Medical Association, Risk Management Seminar, Tampa, FL – 1986
- Advanced Evoked Potentials in Clinical Neurophysiology, Boston Mass – 1986
- Electrodiagnosis of Neurologic Disease May Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota – 1987
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) for the referring Physician, University Community Hospital, Tampa, Fl.
- HIV/AIDS Education Seminar University Community Hospital, Tampa, FL 1989
- Update in Medicine, Philippine Medical Society, Marriott Hotel, Tampa, F – 2002
- University of the Philippines Medical Alumni Society in American, CME Symposium – Medicine on the Cutting Edge, Marriott Hotel,
- 18th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Thermology, Georgetown University Medical Center, Washington, D.C. – 1989
- Risk Management Seminar, AMI Town and Country Hospital, Tampa, FL 1989
- Geriatric Psychopharmacology, Humana Hospital, Brandon, FL – 1990
- Annual Scientific Meeting Southern Society of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Orlando, Florida 1990
- Second Educational and Scientific Program of the Philippine Medical Society of Florida, Tampa, FL 1990+
- Preparing the Physiatrist, Baylor Dallas, Texas 1990
- New Antibiotics and their Usage, Humana Hospital Brandon, FL – 1990
- HIV/AIDS Education Risk Management Seminar, University of South Florida and Humana Hospital, Brandon, Florida – 1990
- American Academy of Disability Evaluating Physicians, Overview Course, Orlando, FL – 1992
- Scientific Program of the
- Annual Meeting of the Florid Society of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Orlando, FL – 1992
- Recent Advances in Geriatric Medicine, San Diego, California – 1992
- Neuromuscular Manifestations of HIV Infections, Columbia University – 1992
- College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York City, New York – 1992
- Basic and Advanced Techniques in Electrodiagnostic Medicine, Columbia University, New York City – 1992
- HIV/AIDS Education University Community Hospital, Tampa, Florida – 1993
- Scientific Program and Annual Meeting of the Florida Society of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Tampa, FL 1993
- Understanding Workers’ Compensation System, Orlando, Florida – 1993
- Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Update, Southern Medial Association, Naples, Florida – 1993
- Team Approach to Sports Medicine-Prevention, Diagnosis and Treatment, Tampa, FL – 1993
- Risk Management Seminar Brandon Columbia Hospital, Brandon, Florida – 1993
- Annual Assembly of the American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Miami, Florida – 1993
- Annual Florida Workers’ Compensation Educational Conference, Orlando, FL – 1993
- American Academy of Pain Medicine Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL – 1994
- Annual Florida Workers’ Compensation Educational Conference, Orlando, Fl – 1994
- Managed Care Conference, American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, New York City, NY – 1994
- Risk Management Workshop, Tampa, Florida – 1995
- Workers’ Compensation Workshop, Tampa General Hospital, Tampa, FL – 1995
- Annual Assembly of the American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Orlando, Florida – 1995
- HIV/Domestic Violence Seminar, Hillsborough County Medical Association, Tampa, Florida -1995
- Association of Philippine Physicians in American, Annual Meeting, Orlando, Florida – 1996
- Philippine Medical Society of Florida – West Coast Chapter, CME on Update in Medicine, Tampa, Florida – 1996
- HIV/Domestic Violence Update, Tampa General, Tampa, FL 1997
- Pain Management Symposium, Joseph Hospital, Tampa, FL – 1997
- Recent Advances in Medicine, Assoc. of Philippine Physician in America, and the Philippine Medical Assoc. Manila, Philippines – 1997
- Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF), Surveyor Training (32 contact hours), Tucson, Arizona – 1997
- Annual Meeting of the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine Seattle, Washington – 1998
- Domestic Violence/HIV/AIDS Update, Tampa General Healthcare, Tampa, FL – 1999
- Annual Meeting of American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine, Orlando, FL – 1999
- 32nd Annual Meeting of Southern Society of Physical Medicine and Rehab. Tampa, FL 2000
- Florida Workers Compensation Institute Annual Conference, Orlando, FL – 2000
- Philippine Medical Society of Florida, West Coast Chapter, CME on recent Advances in Medicine, Tampa, Florida – 2000
- Botulinum Toxin CME by Dr. Muenz, Tamp General Hospital, Tampa, FL – 2000
- CARF 101 Continuing Education Series Orlando, FL -2001
- Philippine Medical Society of Florida Annual Meeting & CMF Symposium on Advances in Medicine, Marriott Hotel, Tampa, FL – 2001
- Tampa General Hospital, CME Program Pain Medicine, HIPPA Compliance, Domestic Violence, HIV, Physician Fraud and Abuse-2001
- Interdisciplinary World Congress on Low Back Pain, Pelvic Pain and Spinal Injury, University of California, San Diego held at Montreal, Canada – 2001
- Florida Society of PM&R, Annual Meeting and CME on Botox Injection Hyatt Regency, Tampa, FL – 2001
- Southern Society of PM&R Annual Meeting and CME Symposium on Spasticity, Rheumatological Disorders Spinal Cord Injury, etc. Atlanta, GA – 2002
- Florida Workers’ Compensation Institute Annual Convention, Orlando, FL – 2002
- Florida Society of PM&R Meeting, Orlando World Marriott, FL – 2002
- Annual Tamp General Hospital General Staff Meeting and CME Symposium Tampa Convention Center, Tampa, FL – 2002
- Basic and Advanced Techniques in EMG, Columbia University, NY -2002
- University of the Philippines Medical Alumni Society in America, Southeast Chapter “Challenges in Medicine” The Don Cesar Beach Resort and Spa, St. Petersburg, FL – 2002
- University of the Philippines Medical Alumni Society: “Aging Successfully” Manila, Philippines, Dec. 2002
- Florida Workers’ Comp. Meeting, Orlando Marriott, Orlando, Florida, August 18, 2003
- Philippine Medical Society of Florida _ West Coast Chapter, Annual Meeting and Scientific Symposium, Wyndham Hotel, Tampa October 11, 2003
- Domestic Violence, University Community Hospital , November 22, 2003
- Philippine Medical Society of Florida Annual Convention, Hyatt Regency, Tampa, FL May 15, 2004
- UPMASA National Convention, Newport Beach, California, July 7-11, 2004
- Florida Workers’ Compensation Annual Meeting Orlando World Marriott, Orlando, Florida – August, 2004
- Medtronic Intrathecal Baclofen Workshop, Paul Minnesota, Sept. 18-19, 2004
- Headache and Pain Fall Symposium, University of South Florida/ Tampa General Hospital Wyndham Hotel, Tampa, FL 5-6, 2004
- Spasticity, Advances in Spinal Cord Injury: Acute to Rehabilitation, Southern Society of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Educational Conference, New Orleans, LA, April 22 – 24, 2005.
- University of the Philippines Medical Alumni Society if America Annual Convention and CME, Miami, FL June 29 – July 3, 2005.
- University of the Philippines Medical Alumni Society if America post conference CME symposium, Miami, FL July 5 – 8, 2005.
- Florida Workers’ Compensation Annual Meeting Orlando World Marriott, Orlando, Florida – August, 2005
- Florida Medical Association Annual Meeting and CME, Boca Raton, FL, September 2 – 4, 2005.
- University of the Philippines Medical Society meeting, Louis, MO, April 28 – 29, 2006.
- University of the Philippines Annual Grand Reunion, Dallas, TX, July 5 – 9, 2006.
- Advances in Medicine for Generalists and Specialists, Tampa, Fl, October 28, 2006
- Update in Medicine-AIDS/HIV, Domestic Violence, Prevention of Medical Errors, Tampa, FL, Dec. 16, 2006
- Southern Society of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Atlanta,
May 11-12, 2007
- University of the Philippines Medical Alumni Society in America Annual
Grand Convention CME, Las Vegas, Nevada, July 1-4, 2007
- University of the Philippines Medical Alumni Society in America Southeast
Chapter CME, “Aging in America”, Holiday Inn Sawgrass, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, January 26, 2008
- CARF Surveyor Webcast, June 26, 2008: Medical Surveys, Program and Report Writing Basics
- CARF Surveyor Webcast, July 23, 2010: Surveyors’Policies and Procedures
- CARF Surveyor Webcast, Sept. 30, 2008: Determining Conformance to Challenging Standards, Part I
- CARF Surveyor Webcast, October 30, 2008: Determining Conformance to Challenging Standards, Part II
- CARF Surveyor , 2009 Continuing Education Training, Tucson, Az., April 18, 2009
- CARF Surveyor On Line CME “Research on Fall Prevention in Stroke Rehab”, May 19, 2009
- Allergan Regional Injectors Training Engagement, USF/TGH, Dec. 1, 2010
- University of the Philippines Medical Alumni Society in America Annual Grand Convention CME, “Living Long, Living Well and Loving It”, Gaylord’s National Hotel, Washington DC, July 2-5, 2011
- Pain Management Seminar sponsored by Medtronic, W-Hotel, San Francisco, Ca., October 21-22, 2011
- Annual Assembly of the American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Gaylord’s Palms, Orlando, Florida Nov 21-24, 2011
- CARF Surveyor , 2012 Continuing Education Training, Tucson, Az., April 27-28, 2012
- Allergan Continuing Medical Education and Speaker Training on Upper Limb Spasticity, Marriott Marquis and Marina, San Diego, California, 30- Dec 1, 2012
- Pri Med Regional Conference, October 8-10, 2013, Tampa Convention Center, Tampa, Florida
- Allergan Continuing Medical Education and Speaker Training on Upper Limb Spasticity, Marriott Marquis and Marina, San Diego, California, February, 2014
- SEAK Conference, Orlando, Florida, Feb, 7-8, 2015
- University of the Philippines Medical Alumni Society in America Annual Grand Convention, Marriott Orlando World Center, Orlando, Florida, July, 2015
Television/Newspaper Appearances:
- April , 2004: Life Around the Bay, Channel 10 CBS, live interview on the role of Botox for patients with Chronic Back Pain
- October 12, 2004: Good Morning Tampa Bay, Channel 13 FOX, Live interview on Christopher Reeve and Spinal Cord Injury
- December 6, 2004: Newspaper interview with Tampa Tribune, “Getting it Back…. After brain Stroke” (Baylife Section)
- September 13, 2007: 5:00 o’clock Evening News, Channel 8 NBC, Taped interview on Buffalo Bills football player treatment of hypothermia in acute spinal cord injury.
- September 13, 2007: Newspaper interview with Tampa Tribune “New treatment for spinal cord injury…. (Front page).